Socrates ' solar house

Already the ancient Greeks didn't want in their homes in the winter freezing and summer boil. Therefore, devising solutions for its time very progressive. At present, many architects he turns to the ancient pillars of the construction industry and their structures re-respect the natural principles.

Socrates ' house is an example of a smart treatment solar energy "simply by" shape and orientation of the house to the Sun.

We used to build houses so without taking into account the wider surroundings and without trying to use the energy that is all around us. The heat source we provide a variety of energy resources and the cold we produce from external sources...

Socrates ' house is based on a completely different concept, where the house almost unconditionally subordinate to the "wandering" of the Sun across the sky as a heat source.

Socrates ' house its shape, layout and orientation to the world of the party respects the changing position of the Sun during the whole year and try to take maximum advantage of the Sun's energy for heating the living room in the cold months. In the summer months on the contrary, prevents overheating of the interior of the house along with the circulation of air in residential areas.

summer period: the shape of the house prevents the penetration of sunlight into the interior
winter period: the rays below the highest of the winter Sun to penetrate deeper into the interior of the house, warms up the interior and floor serves as a heat accumulator.

The house itself looks somewhat uncharacteristically your trapezoidal footprint and also bokorysem. The house is strictly oriented to the wider open, and enhanced, where appropriate, wider and higher glass wall on the south. 

In the winter months to allow the penetration of the rays of the Sun set low over the horizon into the interior of the house. The floor of the house at the same time works as a heat accumulator, which stores thermal energy, which then radiates into the room (such ancient underfloor heating).

In the summer, then the overlap and the angle of the roof to ensure adequate shielding of the high position of the Sun. At the same time, the house ventilated non-cooler air from the north side of the house.

Floor plan of the house with the indicated path of the Sun during the day

The ground plan of the taper house, towards the north, reflecting the passage of the Sun from east to west. In the summer months, the Sun rises earlier and sets later and perpendicular built the side walls of the commonly contribute to the overheating of the interior, which Socrates ' house trying to avoid just by narrowing the western and eastern sides of the house towards the north

The wider the south wall in the winter more efficiently warmed up closer room located in the northern part of the house.


For each latitude is necessary to calculate the optimal slope of the roof and its overhang shading on the south side. The reason for this is the changing angle of the falling of the sun's rays on the earth's surface, which varies according to how far north from the equator is located the location of the construction. Valid for the northern hemisphere.

Therefore, it is not good to take the design of the building, for example, for the mediterranean area and apply it with us. This will reduce the effectiveness of the solutions.

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