Wind turbine with deflector (rectifier)
Klasické všesměrové odporové turbíny mají větru vystavenou hnací plochu. Ta přeměňuje energii větru na rotační pohyb. Ale také mají plochu, která nijak nepřispívá k zachycení energie větru a turbínu brzdí.
Klasické všesměrové odporové turbíny mají větru vystavenou hnací plochu. Ta přeměňuje energii větru na rotační pohyb. Ale také mají plochu, která nijak nepřispívá k zachycení energie větru a turbínu brzdí.
Are you wondering how much solar energy falls on your roof? How often and much to blows? That the profile of the propeller fan is the best? Or are you looking for instructions for the production of domestic solar dryer? Just for
Drying food in the sun is a method of preserving food known for thousands of years. To this day in many, especially the poor and to the equator the closer countries, dried foods in direct Sunlight. The most commonly
Vertical axis wind turbine, an invention more than a millennium old, or also a patent from 1977 and one of the stepping stones for other modern turbine types.
The Lenz turbine belongs to the group of vertical omnidirectional turbines and its design strongly resembles a Darrieus wind turbine with a "hollowed out" wing interior. It is evident that the author tries to combine two basic principles, namely the resistive
Resistance turbine with horizontally oriented axis of rotation. The fancy-looking wind turbine's name refers to the geometric constructions of the mathematician and physicist from Syracuse, Archimedes. The profiling is based on the shells of molluscs and snails.
If you need to get your bearings in the issue of heating the house, offices but also industrial hall air by using solar energy, this book is just for you. No unnecessary sauce, lots of practical descriptions of specific solutions, including examples from practice. Graphs of efficiency, energy balance, storage of thermal energy. Simply complex assembly technology for solar heating air.
Evaporative cooling of water from the surface of the ceramic material known as terracotta (terracotta). Water absorption terracotta keeps the material constantly moist. This property is used to cool the rooms.
Direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy. The amazing invention known throughout the world, which we find on the roof of the most modern buildings of the world, even in remote indigenous village in the middle of the jungle. How to in
Mashrabiya was, and still is, a popular construction element of the urban multi-storey houses in the Middle and the Middle east, or North Africa. It's about the niche in the first and higher floor
an adiabatic evaporizér accumulation tank biological energy biogas plant cooling energy of the Earth cooling room the cooling of the Sun cooling water wind energy evaporation of water evaporační cooler geothermal energy horizontal wind turbine compost Fireplace fan evaporative cooler resistive wind turbine heater with compost passive cooling sand battery sand energy storage surplus from renewable sources samovyhřívání savoniova turbine savoniusova turbine Seebeckův generator solar energy solar chimney solar heated TEG heat generator the heat from the gas thermoelectric generator energy storage cooking on gas veritkální turbine vertical wind turbine vertical omnidirectional turbine low wind speed seat the energy of the Earth heating biogas buoyancy wind turbine production of electricity wind power plant wind turbine the omni-directional turbine