the device according to the sources of energy

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the device according to the purpose

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Lenzova větrná turbína

Lenzova turbína patří do skupiny vertikálních všesměrových turbín a svojí konstrukcí silně připomíná darrieusovu větrnou turbínu s “vydlabaným” vnitřkem křídla. Je patrné, že autor zkouší spojit dva základní principy, totiž odporový Read more

Archimedova větrná turbína

Odporová turbína s horizontálně orientovanou osou rotace. Efektně vypadající větrná turbína se názvem odkazuje na geometrické konstrukce matematika a fyzika ze Syrakus, Archiméda. Profilací vychází z ulity měkkýšů a plžů, Read more

Terakotový (keramický) chladič

Evaporative cooling of water from the surface of the ceramic material known as terracotta (terracotta). Water absorption terracotta keeps the material constantly moist. This property is used to cool the rooms.

Fotovoltaický článek a panel

Direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy. The amazing invention known throughout the world, which we find on the roof of the most modern buildings of the world, even in remote indigenous village in the middle of the jungle. How to in Read more

Mašrabíja – chladící výklenek

Mashrabiya was, and still is, a popular construction element of the urban multi-storey houses in the Middle and the Middle east, or North Africa. It's about the niche in the first and higher floor Read more

Darrieusova větrná turbína

Buoyancy vertical omnidirectional turbine. Buoyancy means that revolves thanks to the difference in pressure between the two sides of the driving blades. Vertical indicates the deposit of its rotational axis perpendicular to the surface, what makes it even Read more

Solární kamenné lože

Solar stone bed is the way of storing the energy of the Sun into the stone under the slogan: "What I store during the day will keep me warm in the evening."

Zelená fasáda– přírodní štít proti přehřívání domu

I'm sure you've already seen houses with walls overgrown with the vegetation. Above all, such a house has a nice view. The green color is soothing. The house is also more involved in the immediate vicinity and resonate with Read more

Sokratův sluneční dům

Already the ancient Greeks didn't want in their homes in the winter freezing and summer boil. Therefore, devising solutions for its time very progressive. At present, many architects are turning to Read more

Bâdgir – větrná věž (zachytávač větru)

Temperatures are rising, and central Europe, including our country is slowly moving from a moderate podnebného zones to the subtropics. Ancient cooling and ventilation inventions that I still could only see in the south Read more