Wind turbine with deflector (rectifier)

Klasické všesměrové odporové turbíny mají větru vystavenou hnací plochu. Ta přeměňuje energii větru na rotační pohyb. Ale také mají plochu, která nijak nepřispívá k zachycení energie větru a turbínu brzdí.

Water pump Ismail al-Jazari

Pump draws water from the bloodstream of a stream or river to the elevated places – for example, reservoir, or irrigation channel. It uses the kinetic energy of the flowing water, so their work doesn't need

Panemone wind turbine

Vertical axis wind turbine, an invention more than a millennium old, or also a patent from 1977 and one of the stepping stones for other modern turbine types.

Lenz wind turbine

The Lenz turbine belongs to the group of vertical omnidirectional turbines and its design strongly resembles a Darrieus wind turbine with a "hollowed out" wing interior. It is evident that the author tries to combine two basic principles, namely the resistive

Archimedes wind turbine

Resistance turbine with horizontally oriented axis of rotation. The fancy-looking wind turbine's name refers to the geometric constructions of the mathematician and physicist from Syracuse, Archimedes. The profiling is based on the shells of molluscs and snails.

Photovoltaic cell and panel

Direct conversion of solar energy into electrical energy. The amazing invention known throughout the world, which we find on the roof of the most modern buildings of the world, even in remote indigenous village in the middle of the jungle. How to in

Darrieus wind turbine

Buoyancy vertical omnidirectional turbine. Buoyancy means that revolves thanks to the difference in pressure between the two sides of the driving blades. Vertical indicates the deposit of its rotational axis perpendicular to the surface, what makes it even

Thermoelectric generator

The production of electricity by conversion of heat differences to electric current. The principle of Peltier cells, which are widely used for cooling, finds application as a thermoelectric generator. Just make different temperatures on the two surfaces

Sand energy storage

Sand is a suitable material for energy storage? When, after a sunny day we'll come to the beach at night and get our hands in the sand, will be tepid. In our country must do a children's sandbox

Savonius wind turbine

A genius, a widespread turbine bearing the name of its inventor, can benefit the energy of the wind from the low speed and at the same time, it is structurally very simple and the final product from a variety of materials.