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There are currently 16 names in this directory
Beaufotova scale
Scale dividing the speed of the wind on the 12 steps according to the observable symptoms on objects in the vicinity. Eg. a stormy wind = Breaking branches, upright walking against the wind is no longer impossible.
All organic matter on the planet, therefore, the bodies of plants, animals, algae, fungi, bacteria and more.
A live cover of the Country.
A field of study examining the relationships between organisms and the environment they inhabit. The tca definition: "Ecology is the scientific study of the processes regulating the distribution and / or organisms and their mutual relations, and the study of how these organisms on the contrary mediate the transport and transformation of energy and matter in the biosphere (primarily the study of the structure and function of ecosystems)." "Research on where organisms are found, how many are there and why."
The ability to mass, substance, or of the field to perform work. The basic unit is the joule (J), used the brand for energy is E.
Energy Harvesting
Mining energy (alternative Energy Scavening) = the Way of getting the energy from the available the surrounding energy sources for the activity of energy-a little challenging devices (e.g. sensors). It uses the temperature difference between the device and the surrounding area (e.g. mikrogenerátor on the heater), pressure differences, and vibration, fluid flow, human activities, bioenergy...
Energy Scavening
Mining energy (alternatively, Energy Harvesting) = the Way of getting the energy from the available the surrounding energy sources for the activity of energy-a little challenging devices (e.g. sensors). It uses the temperature difference between the device and the surrounding area (e.g. mikrogenerátor on the heater), pressure differences, and vibration, fluid flow, human activities, bioenergy...
The maximum amount of useful work that a system is able to perform the way towards equilibrium (thermodynamic equilibrium) with their environment.
The conversion of light energy into thermal energy. Mainly the conversion of solar energy on the heat.
Geothermal energy
The thermal energy of the Earth. From the Greek: geo = Earth, therme = heat
The process of decomposition of dead organic matter (plants and animals) in the soil on humus. In the artificially induced conditions occurs humifikaci to compost.
A dedicated space, where there is a transformation of dead organic substances, therefore the remnants of plants and animals to humus. Occurs to the so-called humifikaci.
Flow. Thermal convection is the spread of heat by convection (moving air)
Radiation. Thermal radiation is heat radiation.
Sun, related to the Sun
Z latinského terra cotta (pálená hlína). Materiál pro výrobu nádob, střešních tašek, nádobí, soch apod. Pro náš účel je zajímavá schopnost nasákavosti vodou. Vnější povrch neglazované nádoby naplněné vodou je proto vlhký. Dodnes se využívá pro udržení chladné vody v nádobě a pro chlazení okolního vzduchu. článek o terakotovém chladiči


There is currently 1 name in this directory beginning with the letter A.
Archimedes Spiral Wind Turbine. Archimédova větrná turbína. Směrová odporová turbína.