Domestic biogas plant

Biogas plant at home in the backyard?

Many agricultural cooperatives has today in the premises of the biogas station. The idea of home bioplynky in this context is somewhat surprising. Yet, in countries in Asia and Africa small home biogas plant for over fifty years finds its application in everyday life.

Big bioplynky burning manufactured gas in cogeneration units and produces electricity and heat. 

Surplus heat was from the beginning more of a problem. Today they are a boon for heating agricultural operations, offices... 

In contrast, small home bioplynky is used almost exclusively for the production of heat, whether for heating, cooking, or drying. The reason for this is the low efficiency of generating electricity in a small volume of biogas and technical difficulties with a small volume of gas, pressure and volatility of supply.


In the digester (in general, a container, where there is a fermentation – fermentation) with billions of micro-organisms feed on the remains of dead plants and animals. Occurs to the so-called anaerobic digestion – "eating without oxygen". 

The main product of the activity of these microorganisms is biolpyn and digestate. Digestate, what remains after the fermentation process, it is good to use organic fertilizer. Gas naturally rises and is collected under the dome the dome. From the highest point of the dome of the gas is discharged into the appliance and here is combusted in the burners.

Do not use a conventional appliance

The resulting biogas, while on fire, but to his burning, you cannot use the normal burner, propane gas, butane gas, or coal gas. Therefore, space heater or stove must be designed for this type of gas.

Distribution by location

  • underground – completely buried
  • above-ground – bulk 

According to the type of collection and storage can talk about a few types of digester:

  • fixed dome – hard cover with no moving parts. With the increasing volume of the gas rises, the pressure – Figure 1
  • floating dome – roof grab space gas is variable, the increased volume of the gas responds by moving up and by expanding the volume of the digester. – Picture 2
  • an expanding pouch – rubber, or plastic wrap – Figure 3
  • fermentor is discharged biogas to an external rubber, plastic package – soul from the tractor
Figure 1: Buried fixed dome
Figure 2: the Buried movable dome
Figure 3: Aerial plastelový bag
  • heating, cooking, drying, grilling on their own gas
  • the processing of biological waste
  • obtaining high-quality fertilizers in the form of digestate, which is what is left over after fermentation
  • limited time of use due to the nature of the weather in the CZECH republic, the need for higher temperatures
  • insufficient to ensure regular supply of biowaste 
  • required production of at least basic knowledge about fermentation and the conditions for maintaining a functional bioreactor.
  • if there are leaks, so the smell in the fermentation

For bioplynku it is necessary to ensure enough biomatter. It will be so appropriate for owners of larger land with rich flora. Also the breeders of these pigs, poultry, rabbits will be converted. Last but not least, applies to small farms. It is suitable for various eating establishments. 

Start stravět own, or buy?

V současnosti se dá skládačka bioplynky koupit i u nás. Na internetu také existuje spousta návodů, jak vyrobit bioplyn v sudu a nafouknout bioplynem duši od traktoru a jiné pozoruhodnosti. Určitě bych s  bioplynkou začal malými pokusy v lahvi a naučil se „chovat“ bakterie, udržovat pH, teplotu, poměr C:N…

This topic I will certainly be further addressed. So keep a close watch of the page.

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