Ropa – průvodce pro začátečníky

Autor: Vaclav SmilKategorie: energetikaVydavatel: Kniha ZlínChcete-li se dovědět co je ropa, kde se bere, jak zpracovává. Také k čemu všemu se používá, jaká je její historie a jaká budoucnost, bude

Solar air heating

If you need to get your bearings in the issue of heating the house, offices but also industrial hall air by using solar energy, this book is just for you. No unnecessary sauce, lots of practical descriptions of specific solutions, including examples from practice. Graphs of efficiency, energy balance, storage of thermal energy. Simply complex assembly technology for solar heating air.

Energy from biomass

What is biomass and how it used for heating, electricity production, or drive a car, this is discussed in the book Energy from biomass.

Energy self-sufficient house – reality or fiction?

In this book you find the basic principles of energy self-sufficiency of the family house. It deals with the analysis of the energy balance as the basic tools for the design of the energy of the house, whether it's a new building or a renovation. Here is discussed in, what can be done to the house was on conventional sources of energy in the least addicted to.

Small wind turbine

Detailed instructions on the domestic construction of the propeller wind turbines with a diameter of 2.2 meters and a power of 300W. The book contains the theory, technical drawings and a detailed description of the electrical parts.

Savonius rotor

Savoniův rotor uses the energy of the wind on a different principle than the propeller. It has other characteristics, the more favorable especially in low wind. In the book is described in detail the construction of the facilities and especially all the possible applications, such as pumping water, the production of compressed air, but mainly to the production of electric current. In detail, are discussed all types of generators ac and dc current, with excitation permanent magnet and continuous winding supplied by an external source. For all the structural variants are in tables and graphs demonstrated operational characteristics. Building instructions are accompanied by detailed drawings and diagrams. The obtained performance is up to 1 kW.