Handy tools for ekokutily
Are you wondering how much solar energy falls on your roof? How often and much to blows? That the profile of the propeller fan is the best? Or are you looking for instructions for the production of domestic solar dryer?
Just for answering these and other questions are continuously fills section TOOLS new links to interesting sites..
In instruments you will discover a number of the helpers, mentors and inspirational websites for each of organic handyman – theorist and the practitioner. What kind of helpers that are, in what you can help and inspire?
It is actually a bookmarky, saved links to favorite web sites, divided into four categories:
- Map of the Czech republic and the European union
- Climate change
- Technical tools
- Inspiration

The section dealing with the climatic, geographical, geological and other conditions in a particular location. Helpers who tells you what conditions you can expect in a given location and sometimes to a particular place.
Referred to the map always maps the territory of the Czech republic. Some of the maps on map of the territory of the European union, or are a globally focused.
From the map you will learn:
- historical records locations (e.g. temperature, pressure, prevailing wind direction...)
- prediction of future conditions at the site
- calculations of energy production
- geo profiles

Sites factually describing climate change primarily for the territory of the Czech republic. Listed sites are working with the facts. Never here, will not be speculative, tabloid or misleading sites.
From the links you'll learn:
- the historical development of climate change
- future prediction of the development of climate change
- information about the impact of climate change on the environment, the economy, the state, our life, our future

Useful tools for calculations, simulation, unit conversions... Entirely technical tools that will help you with your own projects. Some site also offers blogs and forums, where you can send your query and get an informed answer.
Links to help you:
- with the work on their own projects
- understand the technical parameters and conditions
- sometimes they contain forums and blogs for the laying of the query

This section will lead you to web presentations focuses on a certain group of innovations, inventions, ideas for home improvements. The primary focus is on plants using renewable energy sources. Some sites have a wider shot so you can inspire in other fields.
Web sites can offer you:
- with the work on their own projects
- understand the technical parameters and conditions
- sometimes they contain forums and blogs for the laying of the query
- study material for the expansion of knowledge
- inspiration for your own projects
- practical guides
- the lists of technologies and practices
So do not hesitate and visit the tools section
And if you know other interesting links, please send tips to info@ekokutil.cz
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