Panemone wind turbine

Vertical axis wind turbine, an invention more than a millennium old, or also a patent from 1977 and one of the stepping stones for other modern turbine types.

Darrieus wind turbine

Buoyancy vertical omnidirectional turbine. Buoyancy means that revolves thanks to the difference in pressure between the two sides of the driving blades. Vertical indicates the deposit of its rotational axis perpendicular to the surface, what makes it even

Wind-powered heating eddy current

The name refers to the wind turbine rotating permanent magnet stored in a hollow cylinder filled with fluid, which in this way we are trying to warm up. The whole magic is on the eddy currents, also referred to as Foucaultův

Savonius wind turbine

A genius, a widespread turbine bearing the name of its inventor, can benefit the energy of the wind from the low speed and at the same time, it is structurally very simple and the final product from a variety of materials.

Vertical omnidirectional turbine

Spinning polamu, but surely! It is at the hobby shop is very popular thanks to the simple design, the use of commonly available materials, and last but not least, for your easy to understand the principle. Also leaves considerable space

Wind turbine – basic division

Let it go! A device for converting wind energy to kinetic energy. This is either used for cyclic movement as is the case with the pump on the water, the older the water mills, hammer mills... Current