Wind power plant in conditions of the CZECH republic

Is spinning, but produced?

The supply is abundant and it seems, that to the cottage, or family home just a few thousand crowns to buy their own wind elektrárničku and we can cut the cables from the switchgear electricity distributor. For us landlubber, state surrounded by hills and mountains, however, the conditions for a meaningful extraction of wind energy are not exactly ideal.

The question that should fall before buy wind power plant is: you Have suitable conditions for the operation of wind turbines?

The Czech republic is not a maritime country, our mountains are not mountains, and extensive plain without civilization us too safe. The truth is that we live in a hilly, human managed landscape with lots of obstacles. For every obstacle is a form of turbulence, arise faith, growing chaos and unpredictability in the air flow. What are the ideal conditions for the location of wind turbines?

Mainly stable wind. It must not be a gusty wind, when there is a moment, winded, and in the second point on the tree moves not a leaf. Perfect, if it still blows. The reason why there are a large wind power so high, it is mainly the stability of the wind at higher elevations above the ground. At this altitude the terrain obstacles cease to play a role in air flow. Into the equation the flow of air just above the surface also contribute to thermal differences in the ability of accumulation and the issue of heat in different surfaces. At us it is on, the difference from the coastal areas, this phenomenon is negligible.

Immutable direction of the wind, or slowly changing. Všesměrovým the blades of the change of the wind bothers you less, just slow down. Propeller must always reset perpendicular to the direction of the wind, and re-spin. It is a waste of time and therefore the energy produced.

Linear flow air. Turbulence, faith and unpredictable lot of acrobatics going on the wind cannot effectively propel a wind turbine. Ideal, but impossible is because of the flow perpendicular to the mast of a moose.

Fast flow. For high performance clear necessity. When he's not meat gases in the atmosphere move fast enough, not performance.

turbulence behind an obstacle
I want to buy a wind power plant

If you are thinking of buying a small home plant and just brousíte over the internet, you find that the performance decent wind power plant can take in ten thousand. Now, look sharp! Many vendors does not display the information, under what conditions, this performance is achievable. So probably you will experience an unpleasant surprise.

If the label you will find some details, they are:

Rated power = maximum the performance of the power plant under normal operating conditions.

Rated wind speed – when you reach the wind turbine starts to deliver the declared rated output power

Minimum wind speed – the turbine spins, the generator begins supplying power. But

For general orientation in the nomenclature is a great help terminology dictionary

An example of the purchased turbine:

One example for all. Buy vrtulovou a wind turbine with a rated power of 1000W, a rated speed of 13 m/s, and the minimum (starting) wind speeds of 5m/s, voltage 24VDC.

What they call parameters?

Elektrárna se při stabilním větru 5 m/s začne točit spolu s generátorem. Vsuvka: Typická průměrná rychlost větru na našem území ve výšce 10 m se pohybuje okolo 3–3,5 m/s. Bez zatížení se točí. Pokud na generátor připojím spotřebič, začne tato zátěž „brzdit“ generátor. Vrtule se znatelně zpomalí, nebo úplně zastaví. Se vzrůstající rychlostí větru bude stoupat výroba, pokud dokud bude vítr stabilní. 

When at a speed of 13 m/s I should wait for the production of 1000 Watts. But, when was the last time you experienced a steady wind of this speed? The definition according to Beaufort scale: Strong wind = Moves the stronger branches, telephone poles whizzing, the use of the umbrella becomes difficult. 

Really solid supply of wind turbines should include the power graph depending on wind speeds. Even so, it is necessary to note that this chart was certainly obtained in a wind tunnel at a steady linear flow. It is also important whether it comes to the power of the rotor of the wind turbine, or the performance of an electric, so the pinwheel including losses on the transmission and the generator. 



If you want to start experimenting, or directly put into the construction of the wind turbine, is omnidirectional ideal opportunity due to its simplicity. I mean, the easiest versions there are two slotted plastic barrels connected edges to each other in two rows one above the other:

Certainly it is interesting to start with the energy of the wind. Unfortunately, the seats appropriate to good use in the CZECH republic a lot. Higher electric power output of wind power plants is redeemed by the large size of the moose.

I'm convinced that the quality of the product sold in the CZECH republic respecting local conditions, rather than universal internacionálví product. Because I was afraid to buy models manufactured abroad with the parameters, to put it mildly, idealizovanými and suitable for use on the coast of the Atlantic ocean. Solid proposal should describe all the necessary parameters and předevšít be designed for our territory.

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