Wind turbine – basic division

Let it go!

A device for converting wind energy to kinetic energy. This is either used for cyclic movement as is the case with the pump on the water, the older the water mills, hammer mills... the Current most common use is the generation of electric power at the connection of the turbine with the generator.

I'd start imagining the wind. Wind is the movement of gaseous matter in the atmosphere (well, also contains solid particles). One cubic meter has a mass of approximately 1kg (very roughly). Imagine a cube about the size of 1x1x1 meter weighing 1 kilogram, which you hold in your hands and in the next moment, she threw so far, that a second goes six feet away from you. Such a force hit the wind turbine at a wind speed of 6 m/s.

Wind turbine has the task to capture this energy and turn it into a movement. Best we can use the rotational movement (generators are also rotary), therefore the turbine revolves around its vertical or horizontal axis.

the difference between vertical and horzintální turbine

The next division is according to the method of response to the wind

Resistance of the turbine

The wind in the way you build an obstacle – blade turbine, which is the wind forced to move. Because it is tightly associated with the axis of the turbine begins to rotate around this axis. Blades is around the axis are depicted more. If there was only one eccentric scoop, acted as a weather vane on the church tower. She turns around only so far as to put the least wind resistance.

But each scoop is at the rotation around the axis of the turbine its dark side, to which the wind also relies and thereby inhibit rotational movement of the turbine. The goal is to find such a solution, which maximizes the difference between braking and acceleration in favor of the acceleration.

Most of the domestic trial moves on the field these resistance of the blades. The obvious reason is the an easy idea about the functioning and often easier to manufacture. 

the principle of the resistance of the turbine
Tidal turbines

It is a classic propeller turbine, but also Darieova turbine. Propeller work on the same principle as an airplane wing. The difference of pressures below and above the wing, causing a different distance that the wind has to travel (blue versus red arrow). The plane makes to rise, the turbine blades to rotate in the horizontal axis.

They are more complex to manufacture – profiling of the leaves of the propeller. 

The main types of turbines
  • Propeller turbine
  • Savoniova turbine
  • Darieova turbine
  • The omni-directional turbine
  • Mnoholopatková turbine
  • Halladayova turbine
  • The Combination Of Savonius-Darius
  • Also experimenting with a linear wind turbines
  • Absolutely a treat, and maybe even the wrong turn, they are vibrating wind turbine

In the next articles, I will focus on specific types of turbines and their practical use for home installation and diy projects.

I'll be glad if you send me interesting discoveries, pictures of their own implementation, or write a some nice words in the comments.

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