Wind turbine with deflector (rectifier)
Klasické všesměrové odporové turbíny mají větru vystavenou hnací plochu. Ta přeměňuje energii větru na rotační pohyb. Ale také mají plochu, která nijak nepřispívá k zachycení energie větru a turbínu brzdí. Následující inovace řeší zmiňovaný problém přidáním chytré překážky.
This is the basic principle of resistive omni-directional turbines. The acceleration portion of the surface exposed to the wind, must always prevail over the braking parts.
In practice helps convex shape and surface finish of the blades:
About the difference between horizontal and vertical turbine and the difference between the resistive and the buoyancy of the turbine can be read in the article:
Article about omnidirectional vertical turbines can be found at:
How to get rid of the braking influence on the turbine blades?
One solution is to insert before the braking area of the turbine fixed barrier that deflects wind energy from the braking area of the turbine and, ideally, have the power routed to the accelerator area. Historical example of a good solution to the fixed installation is Panemone mentioned in the article:
The obvious disadvantage of the solution but Panemone is a waste of všesměrovosti. So we are dependent on the wind coming from the limited direction.
Even in the modern concept appear prototypes and products turbines using solid obstacles. It's mostly about the stably installed turbines for mounting on the shield of the roof, where appropriate box turbines on the flat roof as:
Here's axis of rotation of the turbine is horizontal to the earth's surface.

Another modern concept are wall and corner of the wind turbine. Therefore, the turbine with a vertically stored axis and the deflector facing the air out the braking surface directly onto the surface of the acceleration.
Again, the obvious disadvantage of these fixed installation is the need of the predominant steady flow of air from one direction. On the other hand, if it comes to a cheap and reliable turbine and there is a free space (typically in urban areas), they give this solution makes sense.
It is also use pre-observed and measured flow generated between the fixed obstacles. So in an urban environment of high-rise buildings it is possible to install vertical turbine on the walls and corners of buildings and rely on long-term monitored and measured steady flow.
Or is it possible omni-directional turbine to turn in the direction the turbine, which is one that is actively filming his action side in the direction of the wind. And just such a turbine is:
Double directional turbine with deflector

A combination of two counter-rotating vertical turbines with a protruding deflector. The whole is placed on a common rotational base. In order to ensure the position of the baffle plate perpendicular to the direction of the wind, becoming a multi-directional turbines thanks to the added tail area of the turbine directional.
The axis of rotation of the whole structure around the supporting mast is forward in front of the turbine itself closer to the deflector. That in itself allows for faster reaction to change the direction of the wind.
The tail rudder is mounted on a long boom, and at the same time, up to above the working parts of the turbine. The tail area is less affected by the turbulence of the air emerging for the two wind turbines.
Advantage is the restriction of the influence of the wind on the braking of the turbine.
Disadvantage je změna vlastnosti turbíny ze všesměrové na směrovou. Tím pádem maření části výrobní času způsobené nastavováním turbíny na směr větru při každé změně směru větru a nutném opětovném rozběhu do výrobních otáček.
Najdou se i taková řešení, která před turbínu excentricky umisťují pohyblivou překážku. Turbína je sice stále všesměrovou, avšak opět je nutný určitý čas, tentokráte na přenastavení překážky proti větru.
- Hongkongský výrobce střešních turbín (English)
- Střešní turbína na šikmou střechu (English)
- Francouzský projekt střešních větrných turbín kombinovaných v fotovoltaikou (English, France)
- Čínská dvojitá turbína se štítem pro odklon větru (English)
- Deflektor pro savoniovu turbínu (English)
- Použití deflektorů pro savoniovu a trojlopatkovou turbínu (English)