Bâdgir – wind tower (scraper wind)
Temperatures are rising, and central Europe, including our country is slowly moving from a moderate podnebného zones to the subtropics. Ancient cooling and ventilation inventions that I still could only see in the south-lying areas, today gaining currency. Therefore, let's take a trip to the ancient Persian empire where was born the wind tower known under the name of Bâdgir.
To this day they are Bâdgiry and Malqafy to be seen mainly in Iran. Egypt, the middle east and in the regions of south Asia. This is a building used for passive cooling and ventilation of residential premises.
At present, some progressive architects raises the idea of wind towers and try to apply the ancient practices mainly on the major cultural, sporting and industrial construction sites. In residential construction of these passive systems are not very used, at least as far as our podnebného zone.
Description of the device
Facilities are provided for ventilation and passive cooling of residential space. It's about tower construction inputs to capture the wind and the direction of this cooler air in the cooled room. Závětrná part of the tower is used to discharge the heated air out of the cooling tower, then to the outdoor space.
In the room is usually under the breath studenějšího wind placed the water reservoir, water wall, where appropriate, other water obstacle, which shall transmit a portion of the thermal energy from the captured wind, water surface, wall, or water soaked into the liquid-absorbing wood material. Evaporation of which is described in the article Evaporative cooler and to further cool incoming air.
Structurally they are applied one-way, two-way or multi-directional design. The figure is a two-way design.
Design of structures mainly addresses the question of the shape and the size of the input and output holes of the slats these holes used to direct the air flow, the height of the tower, the flow of air in the room and other cooling using a water reservoir, or water wall.
The above is the opening to capture the wind placed, the more stable and cooler winds will receive into the room. It also will reduce the volume of the wind zanášených impurities.
In ancient times flowing wind scudded on the level of the water reservoir, which could be bezodtoková water tank, the wider the well, or even an underground lake with a tributary. Flowing wind then part of the thermal energy imparted the water surface. Here it is shown that these methods assume the source of the water and space for the tank.
If there is a large volume of water less reachable or there is no room for a water reservoir, used to hanging damp cloth, or water dripping from the upper reservoir to the lower one.
Modern design and implementation of occasionally reach for the water, or mist the wall, where it is quite logical to assume energy requirement for pumping water.
For solid construction to build a brick wind tower. For light and makeshift structures made of wood, straw, canvas... however, residents often builds a simple plachtovou wind wall as is the case on the following pictures of Abu Dhabi.

- no energy consumption
- fresh air above from the country
- few places with a stable ground by the wind on the territory of the CZECH republic
The whole device stands and falls on the wind, so it is advisable to wind areas with stable wind direction. This greatly reduces the usability of the territory of the Czech republic.
In central european conditions still learning to cope with heat waves energy-the unexacting methods and wind tower built of wood kulánků and several yards of fabric, maybe sheet, OSB... May well serve as a passive cooling of the need for a garden houses, gazebos, workshops...