Convection solar panel – Morse wall

We will focus on the invention, which became the springboard for the Trombe wall and in the currently experiencing a renaissance, though it is still in the shadow of the more popular solar water heating. We'll be the Sun to warm the air.

Convection solar panel is the invention of mr. Edward Morse, who in 1881 patented the Warming and ventilation of apartments by the Suns rays (Heater and ventilating apartments by the sun's rays).

In general acquaintance of his work came up with the resurrection of the idea of mr by a Thrombus, which gave rise to a Trombe wall. But here you can often come across misleading information that the Trombe popularized Morse solar wall. Yet between Morse and the Trombe wall is the obvious difference.

Trombe wall accumulates heat from the Sun into the wall of the house. Black painted wall acts as a heat accumulator and after sunset radiation transfers heat into the room. Secondarily, it can directly heat the flowing air. More about the Trombe wall to read the article Trombe wall

Morse's wall, then heat solar wall does not accumulate heat, it only heats the flowing air, which sends into the room. Thus has negligible accumulation capacity and heat especially when the Sun shines.

Original Morse's wall - a patent from 1881

Horkovzdušný solární panel je uzavřená, často tepelně izolovaná, krabice opatřená z čelní strany skleněnou tabulí. Uvnitř krabice se nachází absorbér, což je nejčastěji kovová deska, případně několik desek rozličně tvarovaných (také třeba použitých plechovek od nápojů a potravin) natřených černou barvou. Tento černý absorbér  „pohltí sluneční paprsky“ a začne se zahřívat.

Thermal energy, which accumulate, reports the working air. This is drawn either from the bottom of the hole, connected with the heated rooms, or bottom entry of outside air. The heated air rises and is drawn into the room at the upper edge of the solar wall.

To prevent the leakage of heat, rear wall and to reduce the effect of heat on the load-bearing wall, have solar walls of the rear and sometimes the side walls complemented by a thermal insulation which can be mineral wool and other materials resistant to high temperatures. Polystyrene is for this purpose completely inappropriate thanks to the low melting temperature.

Solar panels may commonly be installed on the wall of the house, but nothing to prevent the installation of the roof. Only it is necessary to think of the perfect isolation of transmission. Condition for the good functioning again is the orientation of the solar panel to the south to southwest, or southeast.

Setting options for the operation of the wall (panel)

Most of the research over more efficient solar panel will focus on the shape and material of the absorber and the air flow around him. Several of the samples is in the following picture.

Several variants of the shape and location of the absorber

The solar panel does not necessarily bask only the adjacent room. Offers the use of ceiling air ducts, as is common in divorce heat from a central fireplace. This also can eliminate the limitations of trombe wall, which transfers heat only the adjacent room.

Interesting appears to be a commercial facility with a perforated bottom half of the panel area where the outdoor air is sucked in a large area and continues to the top, the glass bearing the part where dohřívá that ended in the building:


  • Simple equipment at home pretty easily manufacturable
  • Lots of tutorials and tried tract on the internet
  • Scrap metal for the construction of a solar panel can be found at home in the garage or in the yard
  • A great space for your own innovations


  • When it comes to installing on the wall of the house, always will disrupt the overall aesthetic impression. Just added a black box, which is difficult to mask.
  • It's not about the accumulation of heat, so heat it if the light is on, and subsequently emits heat only briefly, until absorber cools down.

Making up your own hot air solar panel is quite a safe fun that you can try on solar dryer fruit and your experience to transfer to the heating of rooms. The Internet is full of home experiments using beer cans as absorbers, solar panels from discarded double-windows, even a solar panel from a cardboard box. 

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