Geothermal tunnel

Bury the pipe and you'll see.

It is possible to use the energy, which is located just a few meters below the surface of the heating, cooling? Of course, heat pumps ground water used this possibility. But it is possible homemade device, using air and without active elements to get the energy of the Earth to the surface, into our house?


Is a passive technology heating and cooling of buildings, when there is heat (geothermal energy) from the soil air flow transported to the building – in the winter months. In the summer, on the contrary, the intake air transfers the heat to the soil and the cooled air passes into the building. Carrier heat or cold outdoor air is passively drawn outside the object.

That could be the air passive intake, is the need to ensure the exhaust air from the building – arrange a slight negative pressure in the building. A good solution is the use of the chimney effect in high-rise buildings, or solar chimney, in low-rise buildings to see. Article Solar chimney

System piping must be buried deep enough. With increasing depth also increases the stability of the temperature in the pipe.

In conditions of the CZECH republic is frost-proof depth of 1m, but the minimum temperature in 1m indicate how far down it reaches +0.5°C. As you can see, there's too much heat. I would therefore like the idea of heating in conditions of the CZECH republic left and devoted to cooling. In the CZECH republic is the maximum temperature at a depth of 1m +17°C, which is an interesting temperature for cooling, and we're talking about maxed out, so more of a lower temperature. The temperature change in 1m depth of my delay over temperature period on the surface of about one month. This means that July temperatures on the surface in 1m below the surface effect in August.

Of course, there is also the option of burying the pipe deeper. I'm afraid, however, that with increasing depth of the trench decreases profitability.

geothermal heating air
geothermal air cooling


  • no consumption energy
  • for large buildings interesting option passive cooling, and perhaps even heating


  • Inappropriately selected material of underground pipe can act as an insulator, which badly transfers thermal energy between the soil and the distribution of air.

  • Necessary to prevent clogging and flooding of underground piping including the intake opening. So the entry hole at a sufficient height above the maximum level of flood waves, děšťové water during downpours, snow... Protect you from flying insects – settling and nesting.

  • The smell, which is possible in this way to bring to the house. Into the pipe to get a pet that dies, zafoukané decaying leaves, etc.


Abroad similar systems work mainly for cooling in residential homes and office buildings. Use for large building carries with it distinct advantages. Everything is bigger. The intake tower (feel free to 2m high construction), it is not so threatened by natural disasters, such as a small pipe somewhere on the land (flood, attack insects, etc.). The underground channel, heat exchanger, it is far deeper than a meter, because the foundations of high-rise buildings are simply deeper below the surface. Heater channel is can be selected so as to be passable for the operator = good service, easy to clean. Height několikaptrové the building records the chimney effect. In our country I've yet encountered in practical use.

Interesting are the home attempts of foreign colleagues. Often creates a snake, šnekovici, or the radiator from the water pipes, which shall be placed under the future foundation of the house. A little doubtful about the effectiveness of, as the material of water pipe is not an ideal heat conductor.

2 thought on “Geotermální tunel

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      Prosím o kontakt na firmu zabívajíxi se geotermálním tunelem. Chlazení RD zemí.

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        Dobrý den. Bohužel Vám neumím poslat kontakt na českou firmu, co by postavila geotermální tunel. Ani netuším, jestli to v ČR vůbec někdo někdy řešil. Jediné informace, co tak kolují světem internetu jsou, že si tunel lidi stavěli svépomocí v momentu, kdy ještě neměli základovou desku baráku. Nebo, pokud už měli postavíno, tak díru vykopali pod zahrádkou, kterou ještě neměli osázenou, a tam natáhli třeba trubky. Existují zařízení na ražbu kanalizačního potrubí bez výkopových prací a v ČR to pár firem používá. Tímto směrem bych já pátral. Zkuste se ještě poradit na

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